The team participated for the first time and represented Greece in 2016 in MotoStudent IV, conquering the 9th place out of 35 participants. Team’s progress has been outstading as in 2018 Tyφoon finished 7th place out of 45 entries in Motostudent IV. The team also managed to win twice in the static events, conquering two out of three prizes:

► “Best Design”, 1st Place

       ► “Best Innovation“, 1st Place

#6P (49)

Exceptional results where also achieved in dynamic events:

► 1st place in the Acceleration Test

► 1st place in the Mechanical Test

In the latest participation, in 2021, Tyφoon has presented further improvement in both static and dynamic events. The summary of the overall results led to winning the second position in the Overall Ranking and the team positioned among the top five teams in the majority of the events.